Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Flesh Eating Bacteria Shaving Razor

late winter

has unfortunately left us yesterday, the wonderful spring weather again and everything is white again :-( But it can no longer deny that spring is on its way to us. Look at what I have already discovered 2 weeks ago in my garden!

May I introduce? This here is Paul, our new plush neighborhood. Our neighbor has it in Autumn approached and found half dead in a ditch and really wanted him put to sleep by a vet. But the little cat absolutely wanted to live and so they adopted him. Fortunately, her dog goes good with cats. Pauli has, unfortunately no tail anymore, but now already is a beautiful, healthy-looking cat became of him. I'm really glad that there are still people so fond of animals, like our neighbor is!

Because it was so mild and spring-like of late, I have a bit in the garden began with the cleanup. Many perennials and both my Butterfly Bush I have already cut.

will change here, I probably still a little Beetränder because I have not so much. And the fence I would sow sweet peas and morning glories. That looks sure great when everything blooms. buy

My intent is no longer new orchid I have not met course. But it's really mean when nothing is blooming and even outside in the garden center are the most beautiful flowers around you and even after the home with can take! * Laughs * It is really time that winter is almost over, or I'm just stupid ideas ...
I wish you a nice week and hope that not too much of the white stuff falls from the sky!


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